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Solar Return
Each year on your birthday, the Sun returns to the exact degree and minute in the sky as when you were born, that gives us your Solar Return chart with your yearly events forecast.
Depending on where the planets land in the chart, we can tell a great deal of what will take place that year.
We can't change the planetary alignment but we can change where you spend your birthday on the earth and that is critical as to what takes place the following year.
Perhaps more important than getting the things you want is avoiding the things you don't want! Sometime an hour drive east the day before your birthday will ensure that a malefic planet doesn't land in your life area of health, children or relationship.
Solar Return Reading:
If you've never had a reading before, we go over the basics of your chart.
We go over the current and next year, depending on much time is left on the current.
We also look at your: Progressed Chart, Venus Return Chart, Annual Profections, Solar Arcs, Eclipses & Current Transits to cover all angles.
We strategize on what you want in your life without compromising what you don't want.
We find mutiple locations (often home is the best choice!) that would give you exactly what you want in your life this year.

Solar Return Chart Reading
$294 Investment!
The session is 60 min long (the calendar will say 30 min but it's 60 min), you will choose your time slot after booking.
The session is live with camera off and you will be able to record the session, be sure to be on a desktop or a laptop to record and not on your phone.
Sessions are non-refundable but are reschedualble.
The sooner you book the sooner your session.
If for whatever reason you miss the session, I will go without you on and email you the recording.
I read using Whole Sign House & Tropical Zodiac
Here is the Solar Return chart the year
my sister got engaged!
It's all in there!

A carefully planned birthday can mean the difference between a year of financial abundance or a year of weight gain!

By the amazing astrologer and scribe of the Astro Butterfly blog

I wasn't feeling well enough to travel on my birthday this year and because of where I was, I had surgery a month later.
It's all in the chart below.

A client's chart the year she got pregnant!

Solar Return Chart Reading
$294 Investment!
The session is 60 min long (the calendar will say 30 min but it's 60 min), you will choose your time slot after booking. The session is live with camera off and you will be able to record the session, be sure to be on a desktop or a laptop to record and not on your phone.
Sessions are non-refundable but are reschedualble.
The sooner you book the sooner your session.
I read using Whole Sign House & Tropical Zodiac

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